Interview at Bibliophage…
Al Diniz has interviewed D.P. Watt over at Bibliophage

BBH 2014 Launch!
Sadly, D.P. Watt was delayed on the M1 and so arrived late to Waterstones in Covent Garden for the launch of Best British Horror 2014, ed. Johnny Mains, Salt Publishing, which features his story ‘Laudate Dominum (for many voices)’ The launch was a great success though and next time D.P. Watt will travel by horse to be sure of a more »

The Phantasmagorical Imperative is here!
The Phantasmagorical Imperative and Other Fabrications is D.P. Watt’s wonder cabinet of obsessive, carefully written supernatural stories told by a breed of bachelor narrators who are a cross between M.R. James’s buttoned-down antiquarians and H.P. Lovecraft’s high-strung, slightly hysterical misfits—with a dash of E.T.A. Hoffmann and Bruno Schulz thrown in. The collective fate of these characters is to bend matter or more »