All is Full of Hell
Coming soon… ALL IS FULL OF HELL A Panegyric for William Blake Illustrated by Denis Forkas Kostromitin Trefoil is the Grail of Perdition by Sebastian Montesi The Kings of Cobweb and Dandelion by Colin Insole Feast of Fire by Alcebiades Diniz Migue l Ghost of a Flea by Rhys Hugh es Shadow of Horror risen in more »

Terror Tales of Cornwall
Coming soon… Terror Tales of Cornwall – Telos Publishing £12.99 Edited by Paul Finch Cornwall, England’s most scenic county: windswept moors, rugged cliffs and wild, foaming seas. But smugglers and wreckers once haunted its hidden coves, mermaid myths abound, pixie lore lingers, henges signal a pagan past, and fanged beasts stalk the ancient, overgrown lanes … An anthology of horror more »

Podcast of ‘Memento Mori’
Tales to Terrify have done another podcast of one of my stories, ‘Memento Mori’. It is read by Jason Stubbs. It can be heard here: Tales to Terrify, 267, 10th March 2017

Podcast of ‘The Condition’
Tales to Terrify have done a podcast of one of my older stories, ‘The Condition’. It is read by Alex Weinle who captures the mood perfectly. It can be heard here: Tales to Terrify, 251, 18th November 2016

Adam Nevill’s Baker’s Dozen
Adam Nevill has selected a baker’s dozen of contemporary horror writers and their short stories that he has enjoyed. I’m delighted to report that he selected ‘Shallabalah’ as an ‘imaginative investigation into the grotesque and fascinating folklore of the British Isles’. Read all about it here…

Stunning Review of AIAD…
Acep Hale reviews almost insentient, almost divine over at Lovecraft Ezine… He likes it!

The Temple Beckons…
The Whore is this Temple is now available from Ex Occidente Press

The Whore is this Temple
Announcing the arrival soon of… The Whore is this Temple Ex Occidente Press “Pity me! Succour me! Let us go to the temple!” Gustave Flaubert, Salammbo Contents John Howard Another Sea Alcebiades Diniz Miguel Tidal Wave of Virginal Blood Thomas Strømsholt The Waning of the Light Avalon Brantley Corpus: A Mandala of Anathomy and Metaphysiology Leopold Nacht The Savants more »

Book of Shadows 3
THE GHOSTS & SCHOLARS BOOK OF SHADOWS VOLUME 3 The first two “Book(s) of Shadows”, published in 2012 and 2014, were resounding successes and SOLD OUT very quickly. So, to round off the series, Sarob Press is now pleased to present a fabulous line up of a further twelve stories (sequels to the classic ghost stories of Montague Rhodes James) for more »

Shirley Jackson Awards…
Great News! Aickman’s Heirs from Undertow bags two Shirley Jackson Awards… Best Anthology for Simon Strantzas and Best Short Story for Lynda E. Rucker. Congratulations to them both and to all of the other contributors to the book!