DF Lewis Reviews…
D.F. Lewis has finished his reviews of Conflagration and Almost Insentient, Almost Divine describing the former as ‘a wonderful experience’ and the latter as ‘remarkable’. What is more remarkable and wonderful is Des’ commitment to ‘real time reviewing’, a practice all of his own that is a joy to read whatever may be in review. Des has championed the small more »

AIAD copies have arrived!
Copies of Almost Insentient, Almost Divine from Undertow Publications have arrived. They look wonderful. Many thanks to Mike Kelly, Vince Haig and Tran Nguyen for making such a beautiful book.

Wormwood Essay…
I have a little essay in Wormwood 26, for those who may be interested… An introduction over at Wormwoodiana: ‘In our opening essay in Wormwood 26, just published, acclaimed weird fiction writer Daniel Watt discusses a different dimension in fantastic literature than that most often seen, for example, in the work of H.P. Lovecraft or Thomas Ligotti. In their more »

Conflagration begins to smoulder…
Dear all, I am delighted to announce the existence of Conflagration… Title: CONFLAGRATION Author: D.P. Watt Published in the Mount Abraxas series by Ex Occidente Press, Bucharest Book size: 24,5 cm x 24,5 cm Wrap-up Illustration Cover by Misanthropic Art Limited to: 83 hand-numbered copies (plus author’s copies) As of 25th April only 3 copies remain available from the publisher at 90 more »

Zagava is thrilled to announce the publication of a new anthology: BOOKLORE! “I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us. If the book we’re reading doesn’t wake us up with a blow on the head, what are we reading it for? So that it will make us happy, as you write? Good more »

AIAD Contents
Announcing the contents of ‘Almost Insentient, Almost Divine’ to be published this July with Undertow Publications. It includes a wonderful introduction by Timothy J. Jarvis. Contents The Terrible Foolish Wisdom of the Puppet: A Preface Timothy J. Jarvis Somewhere With Gravity, Grace A Delicate Craft Shallabalah Myself/Thyself Mr Egare A Hive of Pain Elsewhere Mors Janua Vitae Honey Moon more »

Conflagration Cover
Revealing the cover for ‘Conflagration’… specially commissioned from Misanthropic Art… Details of the book: Title: CONFLAGRATION Author: D.P. Watt Published in the Mount Abraxas series by Ex Occidente Press, Bucharest Book size: 24,5 cm x 24,5 cm Wrap-up Illustration Cover by Misanthropic Art Limited to: 83 hand-numbered copies (plus author’s copies) Release date: late March, 2016 As of 15th March more »

Year’s Best Weird Fiction Vol. 3
Delighted that my story ‘Honey Moon’ from Soliloquy for Pan, ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2015, has been selected for inclusion in Year’s Best Weird Fiction, Vol. 3, ed. Simon Strantzas, Undertow Publications, October 2016.

Almost Insentient, Almost Divine…
It is with great pleasure that I can reveal the cover for Almost Insentient, Almost Divine, my next collection of stories, forthcoming from Undertow Publications in June 2016… The artwork is by Tran Nguyen and the design by Vince Haig… incredible!

The pictures are enough, surely, but the contents are… Galaction by Andrew Condous (8) — The Dark Dao by Quentin S. Crisp (26) — Vision to the Dark: An Adventure by John Howard (72) — In the Endless House, in the Dreamless Sleep by Thomas Stromsholt (88) — The Lost Words by Harold Bilings(106) — The Exctinction Hymnbook by Alcebiades more »