Aickman’s Heirs – Pre-order…
The trade-paperback edition of Aickman’s Heirs, edited by Simon Strantzas, is now available for pre-order at Undertow Publications. All pre-ordered copies will be personally inscribed by the editor. The trade edition will ship in May. The eBook will be available a few months later.

The Usher – Sold Out!
The Usher has been published by Dunham’s Manor Press… Its limited edition of 50 copies was sold out pre-publication…

The Usher Cover
This is the wonderful cover for ‘The Usher’ chapbook to come out with Dunhams Manor Press early in 2015. It will be in an edition of 50 copies and the first 25 will have a signed and numbered tipped in plate of a theatrical theme.

Phantasmagorical mentions…
There are some very kind comments on ‘The Phantasmagorical Imperative’ over at The Weird Fiction Review in their end of year booklist.

Story in ‘Aickman’s Heirs’
‘A Delicate Craft’ has been selected for publication in Aickman’s Heirs, ed. Simon Strantzas, Undertow Publications, for Spring 2015… And the line up is: Nina Allan – “Change of Scene” Nadia Bulkin – “Seven Minutes in Heaven” Michael Cisco – “Infestations” Malcolm Devlin – “Two Brothers” Brian Evenson – “Seaside Town” Richard Gavin – “Neithernor” John Howard – “Least Light, more »

The Usher – Chapbook
Dunham’s Manor Press will be issuing ‘The Usher’ as a limited edition chapbook (50 Copies) in January 2015. The first 25 will have a signed bookplate…

Weird Fiction Review – Interview
There is an interview up on the Weird Fiction Review website…

Dreams of Ourselves
DREAMS OF OURSELVES An Appreciation of Pessoa Edited by Adolph Moscow With exclusive novellas and stories by Quentin S. Crisp, Jonathan Wood, Mark Valentine, Adam S. Cantwell, Colin Insole, John Howard, Avalon Brantley, Damian Murphy, Rhys Hughes, Andrew Condous and D.P. Watt. That Nothing Human Scorn by Raphael Baldaya Petseta by Sebastian Knight We Are All Words by Burton Donald-Wickham Hallam The more »

Shallabalah – New Story
Dear all, A new story has been published ‘Shallabalah’ in The Ghosts & Scholars, M.R. James Newsletter 26 ISSN: 1475-3723, pp. 9-14 Enjoy!

A Fiend in the Furrows!
Just returned from a wonderful conference in Belfast… A Fiend in The Furrows with splendid papers, performances and screenings! including Sharron Kraus and Clare Button, Wireless Mystery Theatre and Isobel Anderson Delivered a short performance there with Nick Freeman ‘If You Go Down in the Mythago Woods Today: A Sinister Excursion’