Beatific Vermin
My latest collection is now available from Egaeus Press… Beatific Vermin contains eleven of D.P. Watt’s strange tales, four original to this book, all previously uncollected: Tales of fragmenting identity, seething beauty, quiet anger and tumultuous imaginary voids. Herein, bodies relinquish their sensuous delights revealing layers of decay; secrets are made, and unmade; other worlds collide with ours, enticing us with more »

Tartarus at 30
Delighted to have a story in Tartarus at 30, celebrating 30 years of this wonderful Press, run by Ray Russell and Rosalie Parker. Strange Tales Tartarus Press at 30 edited by Rosalie Parker Stories by Rebecca Lloyd, Mark Valentine, Andrew Michael Hurley, N.A. Sulway, Stephen Volk, Inna Effress, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Eric Stener Carlson, Jonathan Preece, Tom Heaton, J.M. more »

Terroir Paperback
My folk horror(ish) novel, Terroir, is now available in paperback and on the Kindle. This link is for Amazon UK, but it is available worldwide.

‘Vertep’ Reading
Lovely reading of my story, ‘Vertep’, over at Pseudopod, by Elie Hirschman. It was first published in Des Lewis’ anthology ‘The First Book of Classical Horror Stories’. Have a listen if you like jack-in-the-boxes and Stravinsky, if you don’t like jack-in-the-boxes and Stravinsky there must be something wrong with you…

Inner Rooms and Secret Quarters
Well, after a year of work on it, and in a time of terror and ruin, here is my collection of ‘essays and other exaggerations’, Inner Rooms and Secret Quarters, including an introduction by Adam Cantwell, and cover by Andrzej Wełmiński, published by Mount Abraxas Press. It is looking wonderful – thanks to Geticus Polus and the printing house for more »

A new story, ‘Craft’, about a handcrafted book, appearing with Zagava Press, printed, appropriately enough, as a handcrafted book!

Weird Fiction Review 10
Weird Fiction Review 10, edited by John Pelan, is out now, available from Centipede Press… featuring my Grand Guignol story, ‘Harry’s Pin’… a blood-soaked tale of terror and innocence…

Uncertainties 4
Uncertainties 4 is out now, from Swan River Press, and edited by Timothy J. Jarvis. It includes my story, ‘Primal’…

Martin Ruf has interviewed me over at Zagava Press…

The Far Tower
The Far Tower: Stories for W.B. Yeats, edited by Mark Valentine, has been published by Swan River Press. It includes my story ‘Daemon Est Deus Inversus’… Stories of magic and myth, folklore and fairy traditions, the occult and the outré, inspired by the rich mystical world of Ireland’s greatest poet, W. B. Yeats. We invited ten contemporary writers to celebrate more »