
The Silent Garden

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Volume 1 of The Silent Garden: A Journal of Esoteric Fabulism is announced, featuring my story ‘Blood and Smoke, Vinegar and Ashes’:

The Silent Garden: A Journal of Esoteric Fabulism

Deluxe square (8.5” x 8.5”) hardback, with interior colour illustrations, printed on 70lb. paper.

The inaugural volume features the following:


Transcending the Grotesquerie: The Surreal Landscapes of David Whitlam


“Translating The Ritual,” by J.T. Glover

“The Raw Food Movement: Comparing Transformative Diets in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian (2015) and Julia Ducournau’s Raw (2016),” by V.H. Leslie

“Unstitching the Patriarchy: A review of Camilla Grudova’s The Doll’s Alphabet,” by Rudrapriya Rathore

“Cinema of the Body: The Politics of Performativity in Lars Von Trier’s Dogville and Yorgos Lanthimo’s Dogtooth,” by Angelos Koutsourakis


“Lincoln Hill,” by Daniel Mills

“Deposition of Darkness,” by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles (Translated by Kristine Ong Muslim)

“Contortionist,” by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles (Translated by Kristine Ong Muslim)


“Waystations of the High Night,” by Marcel Brion (Translated by Edward Gauvin)

“Her Blood the Apples, Her Bones the Trees,” by Georgina Bruce

“La Tierra Blanca,” by Maurizio Cometto (Translated by Rachel S. Cordasco)

“Embolus of Cinnabar,” by Patricia Cram

“Palisade,” by Brian Evenson

“Under the Casket, A Beach!” by Nick Mamatas

“The Other Tiger,” by Helen Marshall

“Coruvorn” by Reggie Oliver

“Blood and Smoke, Vinegar and Ashes” by D.P. Watt

“The Palace of Force and Fire,” by Ron Weighell

“Nox Una,” by Marian Womack


  1. michael Craft says:

    This looks amazing! Cannot wait for orders to open.

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